Adsterra Ad Network : Maximize Your Ad Revenue

Adsterra ad network is a legitimate and respected ad network that serves over 30 billion ad impressions per month globally, working with a wide range of publishers, brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks in various verticals. It is a reliable alternative to Google AdSense for website monetization.

With adsterra, you can earn revenue based on the number of page views and the cost per thousand impressions (CPM). For example, with 10,000 page views and a $2 CPM, you can earn $20 per day or approximately $600 per month for one website.

This provides a welcome boost to your overall income.

Adsterra Ad Network
Adsterra Ad Network

What Is Adsterra Network?

Adsterra is a reputable and legitimate ad network that serves over 30 billion ad impressions per month globally. With a partner care approach, it collaborates with direct publishers, brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks in various verticals.

Adsterra Network is a renowned ad network with a partner care approach, serving over 30 billion ad impressions per month worldwide. It collaborates with 18k+ direct publishers and 12k+ brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks dealing with mainstream and non-mainstream verticals.

Here are some key points to understand about the adsterra network:

  • Global reach: Adsterra network reaches a global audience, allowing advertisers to promote their products or services to a wide range of users.
  • Wide publisher network: With over 18,000 direct publishers, adsterra provides access to various high-quality websites and platforms for advertisers to showcase their ads.
  • Diverse ad formats: Adsterra network supports various ad formats, including display ads, interstitial ads, pop-under ads, direct links, and more, giving advertisers flexibility and options to choose from.
  • High payouts: Adsterra offers competitive payouts for publishers, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for displaying ads on their websites or apps.
  • Advanced targeting options: Adsterra provides advanced targeting options, allowing advertisers to reach their desired audience based on factors such as geo-location, device type, operating system, and more.
  • Anti-fraud system: Adsterra implements a robust anti-fraud system to ensure the quality and validity of the ad traffic, protecting both advertisers and publishers from fraudulent activities.
  • Multiple payment options: Adsterra supports various payment options, including wire transfer, PayPal, bitcoin, WebMoney, and more, making it convenient for publishers to receive their earnings.
  • Responsive support: Adsterra has a dedicated partner care team that provides 24/7 support to assist publishers and advertisers with any questions or issues they may encounter.
  • Performance tracking: Adsterra offers comprehensive reporting and analytics tools, allowing advertisers and publishers to track the performance of their campaigns in real time.

These features make the adsterra network an attractive choice for advertisers and publishers looking for global reach, diverse ad formats, competitive payouts, and reliable support. Whether you are a brand, affiliate, media agency, or ad network, adsterra provides a platform to effectively monetize your campaigns and maximize results.

Is Adsterra Real Or Fake?

Adsterra is a legitimate ad network that serves over 30 billion ad impressions per month worldwide. With a partner care approach, it works with numerous direct publishers and brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks in various verticals.

Adsterra is a legitimate ad network that has gained global recognition for its partner care approach. With over 30 billion ad impressions served per month worldwide, adsterra has established itself as a trusted platform for publishers, brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks.

Here are some key points to consider about adsterra:

  • Partnership: Adsterra works with 18,000+ direct publishers, ensuring a wide reach and a diverse range of ad placement opportunities.
  • Brand collaborations: The network collaborates with 12,000+ brands, affiliates, media agencies, and other ad networks. This extensive network enables the delivery of ads in both mainstream and non-mainstream verticals.
  • Impression volume: Adsterra serves an impressive 30 billion ad impressions each month, making it one of the largest ad networks in the industry.

Adsterra is a real and reputable ad network that offers numerous opportunities for publishers and advertisers alike. With its vast network, high impression volume, and partner care approach, adsterra is a reliable choice for those looking to monetize their websites or promote their brands.

How Much Does Adsterra Pay For 10,000 Views?

Adsterra ad network does not disclose the exact payment for 10,000 views as it depends on various factors such as the type of traffic, the country of the viewers, and the overall ad performance. However, adsterra offers competitive rates to publishers and pays regularly on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Adsterra is an ad network that offers competitive payouts for publishers based on various factors such as country, niche, traffic quality, and ad format. While the exact payout rates may vary, here is an overview of how much adsterra pays for 10,000 views:

  • Cpm model: Adsterra offers cpm (cost per mile) pricing model, which means publishers get paid for every 1000 ad impressions. The payout rates can range from $0.5 to $5 per 1000 views, depending on the factors mentioned above.
  • Geographic location: Adsterra pays different rates for traffic from different countries. Usually, traffic from tier 1 countries such as the united states, the united kingdom, and Canada attracts higher payouts than tier 2 or tier 3 countries.
  • Niche: Adsterra also takes into account the niche of the website or blog. Popular niches like technology, finance, and health tend to have higher advertiser demand, resulting in higher payouts.
  • Traffic quality: The quality of your traffic also plays a role in determining your earnings. Adsterra values traffic that is genuine, engaged, and has a low bounce rate. High-quality traffic can attract higher payouts.
  • Ad format: Adsterra supports various ad formats, including display banners, pop-unders, push notifications, and native ads. The payout rates may vary depending on the ad format you choose.

It’s important to note that these rates are approximate and can vary based on the specific circumstances of your website or blog. Adsterra provides a robust platform for publishers to maximize their earnings, and it is always recommended to reach out to their support team or check their website for the most up-to-date payout information.

Overall, if you have a website or blog with a sizable amount of traffic, adsterra can be a lucrative ad network option to monetize your content and generate revenue from your 10,000 views.

Is The Adsterra Ads Network Better Than Google Adsense?

Adsterra ad network offers a comparable alternative to Google AdSense. While AdSense is often the go-to choice for blog owners due to its ease of integration, adsterra is equally reputable and legitimate. Both networks provide monetization opportunities for website owners.

Adsterra Ad Network: A Viable Alternative To Google Adsense

In the world of online advertising, google adsense has long been the go-to monetization method for blog owners. However, emerging as a worthy competitor is the adsterra ad network. While both platforms offer their own unique set of benefits, many advertisers and publishers are starting to wonder: “is the adsterra ads network better than Google Adsense?

Adsterra Ad Network Features:

  • Wide range of ad formats: Adsterra offers a diverse range of ad formats, including display banners, pop-unders, direct links, and mobile push notifications. This variety allows publishers to choose the most suitable format for their website and target audience.
  • Global reach: Adsterra boasts a global network, serving over 30 billion ad impressions every month worldwide. With a reach spanning over 190 countries, advertisers can effectively target their desired audience no matter where they are.
  • A broad network of publishers and advertisers: Adsterra partners with over 18,000 direct publishers and 12,000 brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks. This expansive network ensures a wide range of ad inventory and a diverse pool of potential advertisers, contributing to better monetization opportunities for publishers.

Google Adsense: Tried And Tested

  • Reliability and trust: For many website owners, google adsense has established a reputation for its reliability and trustworthiness. Adsense is backed by the tech giant Google and has been a trusted monetization method for countless publishers over the years.
  • Advanced targeting and optimization: Google Adsense utilizes advanced targeting and optimization algorithms to deliver highly relevant ads to users based on their browsing behavior and interests. This results in more engaging and effective ads, maximizing revenue potential for publishers.
  • Integrated with Google’s ad ecosystem: Google Adsense seamlessly integrates with Google’s ad ecosystem, including Google AdWords, google display network, and google ad manager. This integration provides publishers with access to a vast pool of advertisers, ensuring a constant flow of high-quality ads.

Both the adsterra ad network and Google AdSense offer remarkable features and benefits for publishers. While Adsense has dominated the industry for years and offers proven reliability, adsterra presents itself as a viable alternative, providing unique ad formats and a vast network of publishers and advertisers.

Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on individual preferences and specific requirements.

Does Adsterra Pay Monthly?

Adsterra ad network pays its users on a monthly basis for their advertising earnings.

Adsterra, a well-known ad network, offers various payment options, including monthly payouts. Here are some key points to know about Adsterra’s payment process:

  • Monthly payments: Adsterra ensures that its publishers receive their earnings on a monthly basis.
  • Timely payments: Adsterra strives to make timely payments, ensuring that publishers receive their earnings without delay.
  • Flexible payment methods: Adsterra offers multiple payment methods, including PayPal, WebMoney, bitcoin, paxum, epayments, and wire transfer, making it convenient for publishers worldwide.
  • Minimum payout threshold: Adsterra has a minimum payout threshold of $5, which means publishers need to reach this threshold before receiving their payments.
  • Quick verification: Adsterra’s verification process is efficient, allowing publishers to quickly verify their accounts and start receiving payments.

Adsterra pays publishers on a monthly basis, offering various payment methods and ensuring timely payments. With a low minimum payout threshold, publishers can easily receive their earnings hassle-free.

Can I Use Adsterra With Google Adsense?

Yes, you can use adsterra with Google AdSense. Adsterra is a reputable ad network that can be used alongside AdSense to maximize your website’s monetization potential.

For publishers to wonder if they can use adsterra alongside Google AdSense. In this section, we will explore the compatibility of adsterra with Google AdSense.

As an ad network, adsterra offers several benefits to publishers, including high-quality ads and various monetization options. However, it is important to know if adsterra can be used alongside Google AdSense. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Adsterra and Google AdSense can be used together: Yes, publishers have the option to use both ad networks simultaneously. Adsterra can complement the monetization strategies implemented through Google AdSense.
  • Diversify your revenue streams: By combining adsterra with Google AdSense, publishers can diversify their revenue streams and maximize their earnings potential. This approach allows publishers to make the most out of their website’s ad space.
  • Different ad formats: Both adsterra and google adsense offer a wide range of ad formats, including display ads, pop-unders, native ads, and more. By utilizing different ad formats from each network, publishers can provide their audience with diverse ad experiences.
  • Consider ad placement and guidelines: It is crucial to adhere to the ad placement guidelines and policies of both adsterra and Google AdSense. Publishers should ensure that the ads from both networks are placed in a way that complies with the rules and regulations of each platform.
  • Monitor performance and optimize: Publishers should regularly monitor the performance of ads from both networks and make necessary optimizations. Implementing a/b testing and analyzing the metrics can help in maximizing revenue and user engagement.
  • Maintain a good user experience: While using multiple ad networks, publishers must prioritize the user experience. Ensure that the ads do not interfere with website usability and navigation, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for your audience.

Publishers have the flexibility to use adsterra alongside Google AdSense. By combining both networks, publishers can benefit from increased revenue opportunities and a diversified ad portfolio. However, it is important to carefully follow ad placement guidelines and monitor performance to maintain a positive user experience on the website.

What Is The Minimum Payment For Adsterra?

The minimum payment for adsterra, a reputable ad network, is not disclosed. Adsterra serves over 30 billion ad impressions per month worldwide and works with thousands of direct publishers, brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks in various verticals.

Ally is considered to be more reliable and widely used due to its long-standing reputation. It is important to note that both networks have their own set of features and benefits, and the choice ultimately depends on the individual’s specific needs and preferences.

What Is The Minimum Traffic For Adsterra?

Adsterra does not have a minimum traffic requirement for publishers to join their ad network. They welcome publishers of all sizes, making it accessible for both smaller and larger websites to monetize their traffic.

Adsterra does not have a specific minimum traffic requirement. It accepts both high-traffic and low-traffic websites. However, it is important to note that higher-traffic websites generally have better-earning potential. Adsterra focuses on the quality of your website’s content and its compliance with its guidelines rather than the amount of traffic it receives.

This means that even if your website has low traffic, you still have a chance to monetize with adsterra.

Here are some key points to consider regarding the minimum traffic requirement for adsterra:

  • Adsterra values the quality of your website’s content over the amount of traffic it receives.
  • Low-traffic websites are still eligible to join the adsterra network.
  • Adsterra’s focus is on the compliance of your website with its guidelines rather than the number of visitors your website gets.
  • Higher traffic websites generally have better earning potential with adsterra.
  • Adsterra offers various ad formats and monetization options to accommodate websites with different traffic levels.

Adsterra does not have a minimum traffic requirement. What matters most is the quality of your website’s content and its compliance with its guidelines, regardless of the amount of traffic it receives.

Does Adsterra Pay For Clicks?

Adsterra ad network does not pay for clicks. As an ad network, adsterra focuses on serving over 30 billion ad impressions per month worldwide, working with direct publishers and brands across various verticals.

Adsterra is an ad network that offers various monetization methods for website owners and publishers. One of the most commonly asked questions about ad networks is whether they pay for clicks. Let’s explore if adsterra pays for clicks:

Adsterra Payment Model:

Adsterra uses a variety of payment models to compensate its publishers. While they do not specifically have a pay-per-click (PPC) model, they offer other payment options that can be lucrative for publishers.

Here are the payment models offered by adsterra:

  • CPM (cost per thousand impressions): Publishers earn money based on the number of impressions their ads receive. Adsterra pays a fixed amount for every thousand ad impressions.
  • CPC (cost per click): Adsterra does not have a dedicated CPC model where publishers are paid per click. However, they have different models like native ads that can generate revenue based on user interactions, including clicks.
  • CPA (cost per action): Adsterra offers CPA campaigns, where publishers earn money when users perform specific actions such as signing up, making a purchase, or subscribing. This model can be more profitable for publishers as it rewards conversions rather than just clicks.

Benefits Of Adsterra’S Payment Models:

  • Adsterra’s CPM model ensures that publishers are paid for every impression their ads generate, regardless of whether users click on them or not.
  • The CPA model can be highly lucrative for publishers, as they are rewarded for valuable actions performed by users, making it a performance-based payment model.
  • While adsterra does not have a traditional CPC model, publishers can still generate revenue through user interactions with native ads.

Adsterra’s diverse payment models provide publishers with various opportunities to monetize their website traffic and earn revenue. While they do not have a specific pay-per-click model, they offer alternative models that can be equally beneficial.

Overall, adsterra offers a range of payment options that cater to different publisher needs and strategies. Publishers can choose the payment model that aligns with their goals and maximize their revenue potential.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Adsterra Ad Network

Is Adsterra Real Or Fake?

Adsterra is a real and legitimate ad network that serves over 30 billion ad impressions per month worldwide. It has 18k+ direct publishers and works with 12k+ brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks. Adsterra is known for its partner care approach and caters to both mainstream and non-mainstream verticals.

While Google AdSense is a popular monetization method, adsterra is also a respectable option for blog owners. However, AdSense is usually the first choice due to its ease of integration. In terms of earnings, for 10,000 views, you can expect to earn $20 per day or approximately $600 per month on one website.

Adding adsterra to your revenue strategy can be a lucrative option for website owners.

Is The Adsterra Ads Network Better Than Google Adsense?

Adsterra ads network is a reputable alternative to Google AdSense. It is equally legitimate and offers excellent monetization opportunities. While many blog owners prefer Google AdSense due to its ease of integration, adsterra is a reliable option for website owners looking to generate revenue through ads.

With adsterra, you can earn $2 for every 1,000 impressions, which translates to $20 per day for a website that receives 10,000 views. On average, this adds up to a pleasant monthly addition of $600 to your revenue. Adsterra has a partner care approach and serves over 30 billion ad impressions monthly worldwide.

It works with a vast network of direct publishers and brands, media agencies, affiliates, and ad networks in various verticals. So, if you’re considering an alternative to Google AdSense, adsterra is a viable option.

How Much Does Adsterra Pay For 10,000 Views?

For 10,000 views on adsterra, you can expect to earn $20 per day. Adsterra pays $2 for every 1,000 impressions, so with 10 cpms, you’ll earn $2 ten times. This translates to a monthly income of $600, which greatly boosts your revenue.

Adsterra is a reputable ad network that serves over 30 billion ad impressions per month and works with thousands of direct publishers and brands. It is a legitimate and reliable option for monetizing your website. By integrating adsterra ads to your site, you can generate a substantial income from your traffic.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Adsterra?

The cost of advertising on adsterra varies depending on several factors. It is difficult to provide an exact answer without specific details. Adsterra offers various advertising options such as CPM, CPA, and CPC. The prices can range from a few cents to several dollars per click or impression.

The final cost is influenced by factors such as the type of ad, targeting options, ad format, audience reach, and competition in the industry. Advertisers can set their budget and bid for ad placements on Adsterra’s platform. It is advisable to contact adsterra directly or visit their website for more accurate pricing information and to discuss specific advertising requirements.


Adsterra ad network is a reputable and legitimate ad network that offers a partner care approach and serves over 30 billion ad impressions per month globally. With a vast network of 18,000+ direct publishers and 12,000+ brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks, adsterra covers both mainstream and non-mainstream verticals.

While Google AdSense is a popular choice for many blog owners, adsterra is equally respectable and can be a viable alternative. Although Adsense may be the default option due to its integration ease, adsterra offers competitive monetization opportunities. One of the key advantages of adsterra is its revenue potential, with an average of $20 per day and around $600 per month for every 10,000 page views.

Choosing the right ad network depends on individual needs and preferences. Adsterra presents a compelling option to monetize websites while maintaining a user-friendly experience for publishers and advertisers.

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